March 7, 2014

Tweaks And Super-wingpanel

Newcomers to elementary OS : since the website elementaryupdate seems to be dead I thought it would be wise to write a post about adding Tweaks to System Settings and replacing Wingpanel with Super-wingpanel.

With elementary Tweaks, you can change themes, fonts, configure advanced Plank options, tweak animation timings, configure Files and Slingshot. It is written as a plug and therefor integrates into Switchboard ( System Settings ).

First of all we need to add the Elementary Update PPA to our software sources. Open a terminal and type :

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:versable/elementary-update
sudo apt-get update

Then install elementary Tweaks:
sudo apt-get install elementary-tweaks

Applications > System Settings > Tweaks

Install Superwingpanel :
sudo apt-get install super-wingpanel

Applications > System Settings > Tweaks > check Super Wingpanel

Log out and in again....

Slim mode :


  1. Replies
    1. sadly no, not yet, hopfully sombody will pick up the project and add support for Freya

    2. sadly no, not yet, hopfully sombody will pick up the project and add support for Freya

  2. Tweaks in Freya :
    There is no Super-wingpanel in Freya..

    1. Yeah, and in Freya there are no Shortcuts settings in Tweaks anymore either.

  3. Three months gone by and still no super-wingpanel :(

  4. ok i am uninstalling Freya since no global menu

  5. Without a global menu, Freya seems like a beautiful white pigeon that can not fly.


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