September 29, 2014

Terminal Commands To Initiate Gala Windows And Workspaces Actions

Open a Terminal and try the next commands :

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:1
Luna : Workspace Overview ( keep Enter pressed ), Freya : Multitasking View

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:2
Terminal maximizes

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:3
Terminal minimizes

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:4
Slingshot-launcher opens

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:5
Show Desktop

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:6
Window Overview

dbus-send --session --dest=org.pantheon.gala --print-reply /org/pantheon/gala org.pantheon.gala.PerformAction int32:7
Show All Windows

Desktop files for Show Desktop and Workspace Overview are provided by package elementary-plank-extra :

Freya :
Luna :

September 5, 2014

Add An Up Button To Pantheon-Files

Default look of Pantheon-Files with Backward and Forward buttons :

To add an Up button to the toolbar of Pantheon-Files we need dconf Editor.
You can install it by opening a Terminal and typing the following command :

sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

Start dconf Editor and go to  org > pantheon > files > preferences and look for toolbar-items in the right pane :

['Back', 'Forward', 'ViewSwitcher', 'LocationEntry']

Change into ['Back', 'Forward', 'Up', 'ViewSwitcher', 'LocationEntry']

Restart Pantheon-Files :